Nr.04 P-47, Pilot: Gordon B. Ashley, Absturz: 01 April 1945 bei Bernbrunn/ Heilbronn, 324Fg. 314.Fs.

MACR: 13651                                                                         

Flugzeugtyp: P-47D 27RE

Flugzeugkennung: 42-27105

Pilot: Lt. Gordon B. Ashley

Einheit: 324Fg. 314.Fs

Datum: 01.April. 1945, Uhrzeit 17:45

Angriffsziel: Heilbronn

Absturzursache: Flak  

Absturzort: Bernbrunn (bei Allfeld)

Status: KIA

Heimatflughafen: Luneville (Frankreich)

Letzte Ruhestätte: San Fransisco Golden Gate Cementery San Bruno


Absturzhergang: Während eines Angriffs auf Heilbronn wurde die P-47 von Gordon B. Ashley

Vermutlich von einer Flak im Motorraum getroffen, Ashley versuchte noch hinter die amerikanischen Linien zu kommen die sich bei der Ortschaft Allfeld befanden.

Die P-47 verlor mehr und mehr an Leistung bis sie nach vorne abkippte und in den Sturzflug überging. Gordon B. Ashley stürzte mit schießenden Tragflächen- Maschinengewehren bei der Ortschaft Bernbrunn ab.

Am 08.Oktober 2001 wurde Ashley aus dem Fliegergrab geborgen und in die USA verbracht.

Klaus Deschner


    Holunderweg 7, 74080 Heilbronn, Germany
    Tel. 07131-1359145, Mobil: 0176-21691261
    Email: larry.nichols@hotmail.de

    Official invitation to our P-47 Thunderbolt Crash site Monument Memorial service

    Honorable IVAN e.V. Members, Guests & Friends,
    After 74 years, let us stand together as we recall and remember that unfortunate and faithful day on April 1, 1945, to honor the memory of our Brother in Arms, 22 year old American Fighter Pilot 1st Lieutenant Gordon B. Ashley, Service Nr. O-694112 of the 314th Fighter Squadron, 324th Fighter Group of the 12th United States Army Air Force, and just weeks before the end of World War 2, lost his life when his flak damaged P-47 Thunderbolt Fighter plane crashed upon a field near the village of Bernbrunn. His service and sacrifice shall never be forgotten.
    Our International Veterans Association is honored to sponsor this Monument and Memorial service in association with the communities of Allfeld, Birnbrunn and Gundelsheim on Sunday, March 31, 2019 at 14.00 hours, upon the crash site, 300 meters east of the small farming village of Bernbrunn (St.-Laurentius-Straße, 74831 Birnbrunn-Stadt Gundelsheim.)
    GPS-Coordinates: Latitude: 49.306737 | Longitude: 9.238247
    We encourage you, your family and friends to join us in remembering and to honor Lt. Gordon B. Ashley and all those that were present during that unfortunate time, and so very close to the end of the suffering of WW II.
    Together with the U.S. Army Garrison Stuttgart, the Bundeswehr Kameraden, the 232nd Warrior Brotherhood European Charter, International Veterans and other Dignitaries, we come together to pay tribute and show our mutual respect to all those who served on the field of battle and who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for freedom, both military and civilians.

    We would appreciate your honorable attendance and support of our International Veterans Association and the local area Communities in recognition of the memory of those that has passed on and to learn from the Elders, who were there that day and are still with us today. We pray that our children will show interest in learning of the deeds of the past, so that maybe we can avoid the disasters of tomorrow.
    If you should have any questions concerning this new Monument Memorial Ceremonial service, please feel free to contact me per telephone or email.


    Larry D. Nichols
    Garrison Commander
    U.S. Army Veteran
    1972-1975 Vietnam War era
    “Rejoice, O young man, in thy youth”
    Ecclesiastes 11:9

    International Veterans Association Neckarsulm e.V. Registergericht Nr. VR 103587 Amtsgericht Stuttgart
    Finanzamt 74064 Heilbronn, StNr. 65209/43411 SG: 31/04, vom 31.10.2016 nach § 5 Abs. 1 Nr. 9 KStG
    Zuwendungen an die International Veterans Association Neckarsulm e.V. sind steuerlich absetzbar.
    Vorstand: Larry D. Nichols, Willie J. Summers Vereinskasse: Remi Drummond Sekretär: Sylvia Nichols
    Bankverbindung: Kreissparkasse Heilbronn Konto-Nr. 283195 Bankleitzahl 620 500 00 IBAN: DE15620500000000283195
    Copyright©LN2019InternationalVeteransAssociationNeckarsulm e.V. All Rights reserved.

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