MACR: 11601
Flugzeugtyp: P-47 D-15-RE
Flugzeugkennung: # 42-76247
Pilot: 1st Lt. John E. Molen
Einheit: 358th FG, 367th FS. On the Dec 2 mission Molen was the wingman of John R. Buchanan.
Datum: 2.12.1944
Uhrzeit: 12:00
Angriffsziel: Freie Jagd
Absturzursache: Flak
Absturzort: Zaisersweiher, E von Maulbronn
Status: KIA
Heimatflughafen: Toul, France
Letzte Ruhestätte: Dayton Memorial Park Cemetery, Dayton, Montgomery County, Ohio, USA.
He flew from Toul, France, and per the MACR was KIA at 1200 Hrs and is buried in Dayton Memorial Park Cemetery, Dayton, Montgomery County, Ohio, USA. On the Dec 2 mission Molen was the wingman of my uncle John R. Buchanan.
thanks for all this information, great, it`s helpfull for the page.