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Flugzeugtyp: Lancaster I
Flugzeugkennung: # R5744, WS-E
Pilot: Sgt. R.A. Knight
Einheit: 9 Squadron
Datum: 5/6.09.1943
Uhrzeit: 00:15
Angriffsziel: Operation Mannheim
Absturzursache: Abschuss durch 1.-4./schwere Flackabteilung491, 1./schw.Flak Abt.492, 1./schw.Flak Abt.278, 1.-3./schw.Flak Abt.908,1.,2.+4./schw.Flak Abt.300.
Absturzort: Bei Rheingönheim auf der Westbank des Rhein, 3km S von Ludwigshafen
Status: 7KIA
Heimatflughafen: Bardney
Flt Sgt Reginald Knight was my Uncle. I was born 12 years after he died, so did not know him, but I did know his wife – my Aunt – Maisie Knight. I remember her very well. She was a completely broken woman, living as if she was stuck in the 1940s.
I know where Flt Sgt Knight is buried, and I know the general area where his plane came down. I know Reginald was buried in Ludwigshafen and was then moved to Durnbach. But are there any records of exactly where in Rheimgonheim his plane crashed, or of how he crashed, or of where he was initially buried please?
Hello Mr.Crosby,
thank You for the contact to me.
Sorry, but i have only this information where I have in the page, not more detail.
I’m sorry to not be able to help.
5 years ago I visit the War Cemetery in Dürnbach and I visit the grave of your uncle.
Hello Mr. Crosby,
i did talk with a friend of my, he is a plane Crash researcher in the Pfalz area, he have more Information about the Crash.
he will go in touch with you.
My Grandma’s brother John (Jack) Noble was the bomb aimer and second/reserve pilot on Lancaster R5744.
I don’t know a great deal about him except that his loss hit is siblings hard – I think he was the only member of the immediate family that saw active service.
I know that he flew from RAF Waddington and then RAF Bardney in the 9th squadron.
I was aware from online research that the crew was initially buried at Ludwigshafen town cem. before being finally laid to rest in Durnbach in 1947. Unfortunately, I only found this last bit out recently, otherwise I would have visited his grace since I used to work in Munich!
I too would like to know more about the crash site if this is available please?
Dear Adrian,
thank you very much for this information, a friend of my, he is a plane Crash researcher in the Pfalz area where are the crash was, he have more Information about the Crash.
his e-mail address is: mu.benkel@t-online.de. His Name is Uwe Benkel.
5 years ago I visit the War Cemetery in Dürnbach and I visit the grave of all british airmen, also the grave of the Lancaster of the 9 Squadron.
regards Klaus
Many thanks for the info Klaus.
I will hopefully visit the area this summer to pay my respects.
Kind regards
I received the link from Graham Platt as i am trying to find as much information on my great uncle Sgt. R G Nelson KIA who was a member of the crew. if there is any more information on crew or him it would be great to hear from anyone who has this.
Hello Cameron, sorry, but i have no more information regarding the crew and crash, but go in touch with Uwe Benkel mu.benkel@t-online.de
He is a researcher of the Pfalz Area where the plan crash.
maybe he have more information about your Uncle.
regards Klaus
Hello Cameron,
sorry, the correct e-mail address of Uwe Benkel is: uwebenkel@outlook.de
My wife and I are about to set off to visit the grave of my Uncle, Reg Knight, and his brave crew. We intend to visit on the 80th anniversary of their death. I would love to hear from any of Reg Knight’s family, who I have not been able to trace. And I would love to hear from any family or his crew from that fateful night.
On an earlier mission, on 12 August 1943, Reg flew Lancaster W4964 on its 17th mission. This was a very lucky Lancaster that survuved the war completing 107 missions wiht no loss of crew. This was the Lanc that bombed, and hit, the Tirpitz. He flew that Lancaster with the crew buried here except for Andith Davies.